Ive now decided to take my blogging to tumblr.com


come & follow me there =)

- Jas

- The Holy Mass & the Holy Eucharist -

While we were at the MV reco, we celebrated mass & had adoration. It was great to just listen & to really reflect on what was next for me. Letting the man upstairs do the talking while i just kneel & listen.. thank You for all the blessings..!

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Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth

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Msgr. Jerry Bitoon. Thank you for celebrating mass for us ;)

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God is Love

- Jas

- Vienna State of Mind part 1 -

Last week i took the trip to the lovely city of vienna, swear this is like my second home in europe. So easy to get around with the public transportation, im starting to understand more & more of the german language & when the city is lovely it has lovely people in it!

I was really looking foward to meeting up with old friends & meeting new, playing catch up is always great with the people in this city.

anyway, the first day was all about planning for the first day of the mv reco (the main reason i was in vienna) Jona Mae & Rj picked me up & we headed to mcdonalds for breakfast & awhole lot of talking & planning. i really wish that we could have a breakfast menu at the mcdonalds here..cmon! its way better at 11am than all the burgers =P

later on i met up with Anness, a real close friend i can call my sister =) Great catching up, sharing stories & sharing laughs..she was super stoked about the jordans i got her..well she should be..cause they hot!

rest of the evening went to dinner with some of the other mvs & the ftw´s for more planning for the mv reco..

for the start of the mv reco waws on friday..it was great..getting to know eachother more, having great lagush..playing 1-2-3-pass with loser gets the facepaint on. haha greatness! we might be old but young at heart..!

lets let the pix speak =)

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Anness =)

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Xmas lights out in the streets of vienna..=)

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First day of the MV reco, we did a speed dating activity, two circles, one on the outer & one in the inner. Random questions ftw.

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consequence for the loser..jeyz, iceland represent!

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seppal =D

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stay tuned for more =D

God is love


- Yeup -

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God is love..!

- Jas