- Day 2 in the land of sound of music -

Today was great =) I got up mad refreshed from lack of sleep from the night before, due to packing & nba. Got up fixed some outfits & left the house around 14, to go to the photoshoot for the YFL Website...just by the look of the pix it looks awesome. im getting mad excited for it. Stayed there for some time, just catching up with people, sharing laughs & conversations. Rj´s pix came out mad cool! Shoebucks ftw dude!

later on we dropped by the sarmientos. & to my surprise Ate Tina & Kuya Carlo and of course little baby Sam. that baby is just mad cute =) Great seeing the Sarmientos again, & of course my lost sister Charlotte...

We had to go quick, since we (Rj, myself & Gino) were goin to have dinner at fiegelmüller with the Villanuevas & of course the infamous Ate Cacay. we ate schnitzel. and WOW! it was mad big..& the best ive ever tasted. it was sick..i got mad full but oh so tasty! we just went to a bar later on..& headed home...

on the way home i must say i found some wierd stuff that reminds me that i am Norwegian! BAWS!

blurry pic, crappy ic. but if your in vienna drop by the passion concert on sunday! cause Jeffrey, Rosemay & Kimberly will perform..and i heard them practice, and it was awesome i tell u!

Proud Lola =)

I got happy when i saw this...My brothers note for the sarmientos. i miss you kuya!



All smiles =)

Hard work pays off!

Todays Weapon

Found these on the way to Ginos

yeah im norwegian! =P

Great people =)


- Day 1 in the land of sound of music -

I got up at around 7:30, my flight left at 10:40..so i wasnt really stressing, just finish packing up. When i got to the airport, it was just mad packed. it took forever getting through customs, anyway...i was just mad hungry. ended up getting myself two slices of pizza & garlic bread at pizza hut..sorry theres no pix of my food. i was just too hungry =p

the flight was okay, couldn't sleep. so i decided to watch Freedom Writers, for like the 10th time or something. if you haven't watched it..you should..its still as moving as the first time i watched it. and i had the whole row for myself which was greaaaat =)

Got to Vienna around 13. didnt do much this day. just walked around the city, catched up with people =) dropped by the Villanuevas...all in all..an awesome way to start my stay here =)

dah well heres some pix...

The best welcoming committee ever =)

- Jas

- Off to the land of the sound of music! -

I just finished packing for Vienna, Austria some 30 minutes ago. Kinda avoided the whole packing thing for some time. Cavs vs. Celtics on livestream, trying to process the fact that i shook hands and shared a small convo with Om'mas Keith & Taz Arnold of Sa-Ra Creative Partners. I'll get back at you on that.

Right about now im mad sleepy, & too lazy to blog..but ill leave you with this though. (No emo) I'll try to blog while im in Vienna.

- Jas

- Them mondays -

I normally hate mondays, why? cause i have school at 8:50am, & yes i always end up being 5-15 minutes late. reason for my tardiness is simply trying to figure out an outfit. i know im lame =P the day started quite good, woke up without an alarm which was mad surprising.

School ended at 11:15. met up with that one MG for coffee. always a pleasure sharing thoughts & laughs with you. thanks =)

Went home before i went grindin at work. to my surprise i was met by that one Danish/Norwegian co-worker. its always fun to work with this kid, alot of random talk & laughs.

ended the day dropping by at Asian garden, formerly known as Bippat to greet Harold a Happy birthday. Was great seeing you all again.. Hope you enjoyed your day bro =)

all in all a great way to start the week!

Yeah im lame..

no freaking homo!

That fitted is sick!

Them cool kids stopped by just before closing.

sup pao?

Happy birthday kid!

- Jas

... =)

- Jas

- wish i was this creative -


Via Format.


- Them days with that G(orbys) -unit -

You're probably thinking, whats with the "Gorbys unit" well its simple, the unit consists of Yasmin, Sha & myself. we celebrated our confirmation together, & prior to the party we were doing all the preps. This lead to late nights, which lead to late night hunger cravings. Yasmin had these instant pizza-ish put it in the microwave and heat up and its ready called gorbys, and thats the story =P

anyway the three of us got to hang out some days before the passion driven activity weekend. It was great, great laughs & great conversations. Boom boom pow?

yeah they picked me up so we could go eat at ikea =) yeah there are people who go to ikea just to eat!

Supreme X Disney ftw!

- Jas

- I guess that im a little bit -

Yeah i know i mess up a bit. this was just an OTS.

follow my very talented friend Nadia here.
Miss you lots!


- Some happy pictures -

random pix, but are worth posting =)

I have some more pix but i couldn't decide which ones to post =)

- Jas

- Blogged!

This is mad old...i was on my way home from school one fine day in March/April, got randomly stopped by a student who was writing for the school paper. Was some article about people wearing sunglasses early spring, and what spring meant for them.

And in the article im wearing my Trainerspotters, but they wrote that my sunglasses had an allover polka dots print. but the girl who interviewed me must have been blind, cause they are obviously striped. duh! i totally forgot about posting this. funny how you can find stuff on imageshack =)


- Im back! himynameisjas.blogspot.com in full effect! -

So i've been looking at this link for how many days, weeks and months thinking "Why do i not blog anymore?" and the answer is simple, lazyness & no pictures. So i have to apologize for not updating, for being lazy & for just letting this blog go to waste.

ive had alot of eventfull days, from going to Berlin with the boys from work. Going to the PDA at Mariaholm and the days before the PDA, preparing all the props for the party that went down at the PDA. And just last night bawsing with the SSK! crazy ukulele, beatbox rap freestyle at the preparty...

so for now just stay tuned =)

I am back & this blog is back in full effect!

i'l leave u with this
