- Baws Day -

Today was such a great day, though the day started off slow it truly did end great. Met up with Arif around 4pm, we were out and about oslo city poppin tags. Or at least he was. It was great to roam around the city again, been too long since ive done that.Later on we met up with the other fellow bawses at Mikes pad. He got all of the guys to come over for the photoshoot hes doing for this website. stay tuned for the pix on his blog. It was just awesome hanging out with the guys, ongoing freestyle sessions, dancing & a whole lot of laughs. Thanks Mike for allowing me to take part of the shoot. u styled us up for sure! Great day, and u can truly feel the summer is on its way..!

i can most def say that this day was one of the chillest ever..!

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I love these.

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& he loves these.

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We dropped by a vintage store, they had the first nintendo there. yupp super mario bros ftw!

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Had to drop by Arifs work, Dj Arif on the ones & twos..!

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Sammie Davis..norway is not ready for u this summer!

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One of he looks Mike pulled for the shoot..

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El Shank...!

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Jersey Shore..?

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The photographer, the stylist the infamous akam1k3.

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yeah, i must admit i love this phone.

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Friday = Weekend!

- Jas

- Great food + Great people = Great day...! -

just like Ice Cube said "Today was a good day", now thats how i felt about yesterday. It was truly good, chill & lovely. Started the day just slackin at home. made myself a big lunch, which btw knocked me out for like an hour. Swear i felt like i was gaining weight.Didnt really make it better when Mike hit me up telling me we were finally going to eat that new pizza at Peppes, with them boys: Young H. Hai, Lars-kun, JP, Ser, Herzon & of course mike. BnB = Beef & bernaise sauce and of course french fries..all i can say is that i have a new favorite pizza..it really did live up to the hype..! later on Herzons partner in crime hooked us up with this real good ice tea from her work. thanks a million..!

Ended the evening at Mikes rooftop, sucking it up..! if you know..you know..! Enjoying alot of laughs & great talks. The day was lovely i tell u..Thanks again for the day guys..!

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This picture does not give the BnB pizza justice..

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The itis? nah, he just wants another Bnb!

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that lovely Ice-tea

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Happy owner of the car..Thanks for the lift home..!

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Enjoying that view..

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Someone was trying to study while we were at the rooftop..who?

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It was that dude Ser. Hope your exam went well b!

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- Jas

- Friday = Weekend -

Friday..i finally got to sleep in a bit..started the day with just cleanin up the room a bit, but yeah still quite a mess though..i was in such a good mood since the sun was shining, the temperature was good & i finally brought the shorts out today..!
anyway, figured i would get my hair cut & yes my hairdresser hooked me up. quite happy with the hair.

afterwards i met up with said & even, just ate & played xbox 360 before i mr. Ser and them picked me up for a kickback at his place. it was my first time being there..dude has a basketball hoop in his front yard. good music, good people & some funny talks towards the end of the night..even ended up having kebab as a night snack..p.s. Thank you yung h. for the ride home, i appreciate that b..

anyway..to the pix we go

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Getting his pic for his lookbook..haha

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Rollerchair bball anyone?

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That dude Ser. Thanks for hosting b..!

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Summer is just around the corner...!

- Jas

- Dj Tsui -

My good friend wai, fixed some sample sneakers from china. he designed the shoes himself. a week ago we just made a video for his school project, which is obviously about the shoes. Of course mike is behind the camera filming this.

Real good job with the shoes wai, they are mad clean & hot. keep it up b..!

- Jas

- Charlotte from Paris -

So i remember i posted some vids of some of my friends whos on youtube. there was one who wasnt featured.

Hello world, meet Charlotte. She is sucha multi-talented musical person, all from drums to string instruments to keyboard..and yes she can sing. such a pure & nice voice.

press play..you really wont regret it..! this her ukulele cover of Beyonce - Sweet Dreams

Thank you Charlotte for sharing your talent with us..please give us more..!

- Jas

- Thursday & Friday Recap -

Thursday: was a day off, ended up doing some math before i headed out for mass. Which might have been one of the longer ones ive attended. but hey, its great just having some Jesus time with the family. After i headed to meet mike, he was talking about getting a steak for dinner that day, made me really crave for steak the whole day.

We ended up at the Nighthawk Diner aka the newest American themed diner. Richard joined us as well. & of course i had to go all out, Tbone steak for main course & for dessert? american pancakes soaked in maple syrup with ice cream..it was just so filling..made me all go straight to the itis mode though. but hey once in awhile its just great to spoil yourself with a big dinner i guess? well thats my theory at least. great company, great food & some good laughs.

Friday: Worked from 10-16,it was just so stressy from the hour we opened the shop. people everywhere. after work i went straight to the YFL chapter assembly. it was great seeing everyone again. it was a good turn out, & im happy you all came. Such a blessed friday..=)

anyway..i´ll let the pix do the talking..

Root beer ftw..!


yupp, gettin that american diner feel..?

T-bone steak..!

Pancakes ftw..!

End of Thursday..

Sha, Yasmin & Mike getting all creative with the straws.

all smiles =)

God is most def. Love

- Jas