- Yeup =) -

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All smiles..=)

God is love..

- Jas

- Art Much? -

Couple of weeks ago, i got to take some pictres of my former co-workers Andreas´ artwork. ive been wanting to get a look of em, & snap some photos. i was fortunate enough to have some time..but then again i ended up slacking with the pix.

anyway. the art this kid does is crazy. He normally does more or less customizing on sneakers, but im happy he took it his craftmanship on canvas..! keep em coming..

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Even more sick..!

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Remember the name..!

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Mr. Andy..!!

God is Love

- Jas

- The Take-Away Show -

FIRST...! ill start by apologizing for my hiatus, the reason for this has been my lack of a own charger for my macbook. ive been force to limit with time, due to the short batter life..but now im finally back..=D

lately ive been listening to Aloe Blacc´s latest album - Good Things. If u havent heard it, you´re probably missing out. This album will most definitely warm up those cold autumn days. In these videos he performs some of his songs out in the streets of Paris. I love how they captured the vintage feel of it..& seeing how he performed "You Make Me Smile" in the Metro station reminded me of my paris trip back in march. enough talking, ill let the good music speak for itself..!

Hope You guys enjoyed

God is Love

- Jas

- The Takeover -

Couple of weeks ago, i went on a small get away weekend..it was good to get out of the "big" city & just focus on the present, be around great fresh nature, be around great people & most of all listen to what the man upstairs has to say...I left for a weekend for the new core group..it was a weekend to learn, to listen & to grow...Great weekend..!

im just oh so excited for the new core...praying for this group of people. you all inspire me =) i was very much humbled serving all of you..!

to the pix we go..

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Kuya Steven giving the first session..

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Kuya ron..!

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Brutal fish with his new phone

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hahaha lance is always so hyper..

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The Hundreds is HUGE..!

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haha kuya ron fixed this who wants to be a millionaire game..awesome..!

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Was happy & lucky to have Fr. Iru at the weekend to celebrate the mass..

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welcome to the family ;)

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bad hair day..Supreme x Disney..!

His plans are greater than yours ;)

- Jas

- Sneakers much? -

Norway & sneakers? ever thought it was a scene for it in norway? No, right?

Ive been around europe, seen alot of sneaker events around europe...& really thought about how it would be to have one here in oslo. So finally there were some good people setting it up. People were there to sell, to showcase & to buy..

I wasnt really planning to get anything, but then i ended up getting 3 Original fake tees from mr. Quality time..Thanks b..!

in my opinion Mike, Arif, Stian & ms Gwen michelle had the best set up..crazy yo!

to the pix we go.

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Stacks on stacks...!

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Mr. Phil T. Rich

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more stacks..!

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Maggie-o aka my sista from another motha =)

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awwww =)

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Jordans much?

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Three bears..?

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Arif & his freezing set up..! whats cooler than being cool?

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Mr. QualityTime, Chris..!

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- Jas

- Daddy-O´s 60th! -

First, ive been sleeping on the blog lately..just havent really had the urge to blog, so i apologize for that.

Well a month ago my dad had his big 60th bday. It was such a great way to celebrate this big day. the whole fambam plus Kuya steven hit up Alex sushi. & yes this must be the best sushi ive ever had..! it was just awesome. I dont normally get all full when i eat sushi, but it was so filling & good..IF u ever come by oslo, make sure to save up money to go to the best sushi spot in oslo!

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Big brother swag

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eager much ate?

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Kuya steven..! glad u came with =)

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Birthday boy..!

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My dad & mr. Alex himself..

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beautiful much?

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Seafood salad..

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Salmon chips

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Deepfried scampi in mayo sauce..yum!

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& more sushi..!!!

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Mother dear & myself

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awwww =)

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Them de Claro boys

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Group pic..!

- Jas