- Your killing them hard with them lady pants -

This song never gets tired with me. Andre 3000 is crazy on this song..!

Great video too..

- Jas

- Just The Way You Are -


- Jas

- Covenant Recollection -

Sunday was lovely. we had our YFL Covenant Recollection. Started out early, and finished around 8pm. Its really been awhile since ive last heard these sessions, & i must say it was really refreshing to be reminded on why im in this community. It surely is a wonderful one. I was again reminded by the man upstairs that everyday is a blessing, its a strive, its a struggle..& through giving up something, sacrificing something dear to you you will even gain more than what you have before.

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The Don giving the first talk..

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Music sets the mood =)

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Game time..!

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Chona giving the second session.

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ms. logistics on the powerpoints slides..aka my sister =)

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Brutalfish..good job on leading the reco..

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Julian..music min..!

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Mimi giving the last session..

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yes im always eating =P

God is love

- Jas

- Ohana -

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God gave us with everything..in other words..were all blessed

- Jas

- B.A.W.S. Biniz -

My weekend was good...I worked both friday & saturday..but it was okay..i need the hours...

After work on friday, i met up with them boys of baws, we roamed around almost the whole city to eat. We could never really figure out what we wanted to eat. so we ended up at Bislett kebab..yeah i know i failed...i really need to go on that onekebab a week thing that Mike is on.

We ended up at Arifs place.making some plans & laying down grounds for the future...We really got next...

B.A.W.S. out..

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Yeup..couple of chukcs hanging on the wires outside the shop.

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Yeah at work..yes im holdin my iphone =P

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Silver & mike strollin...

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work much..? we got next..!

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"Im mikey...i rock.."

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God is most definitely love

- Jas

- Mittwoch aka Wednesday -

Wednesday was just an alright day...Ive realized how i really need to get my workout going..or at least doing some 20min runs to start with, but then again i have a friend called laziness that always kicks in =P...

I ended up slacking at the couch & watching like two or three episodes of the 2nd season of Jersey Shore, before heading for work..yeah im a sucker for reality shows =P

Work was okay today..seems as if everyone is ready to get their winter jackets for the season already. so its quite slow at the store these days, oh well were getting rest of our fall/winter collection by the end of the month..

On the way home i met Yasmin at the bus station. it was cool seeing her again, and walking home with her..it kinda reminded me from back in the day when we would walk home from school. ah well great having you just down the street Yas =)

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some of the shoes we got in the shoe section.

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Mr. mats..!

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Thank you Lee...! Motivation ftw..!

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Emo Yas? =P

God is joy =)

- Jas