- Covenant Recollection -

Sunday was lovely. we had our YFL Covenant Recollection. Started out early, and finished around 8pm. Its really been awhile since ive last heard these sessions, & i must say it was really refreshing to be reminded on why im in this community. It surely is a wonderful one. I was again reminded by the man upstairs that everyday is a blessing, its a strive, its a struggle..& through giving up something, sacrificing something dear to you you will even gain more than what you have before.

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The Don giving the first talk..

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Music sets the mood =)

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Game time..!

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Chona giving the second session.

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ms. logistics on the powerpoints slides..aka my sister =)

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Brutalfish..good job on leading the reco..

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Julian..music min..!

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Mimi giving the last session..

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yes im always eating =P

God is love

- Jas

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