- Christining, Family dinners to family dinners -

I wont say im laggin, im just really on vacay. Im really enjoying the times with the family, its not everyday i get to see them all, cherish the good times =)

ill just post some random pix from the last days.

went to Samuels christening. it was cool seeing all the norwegians there. too bad i ran out of battery, but at least i got to snap some shots. btw im just using the 50mm now. i love it! =)

the days after its been all family dinners, good food, good company, & great laughs =D

anyway..to the pix we go =)

Sam =)

with his ninangs =)

Nike launched these today..55 pairs..hmm should i get em?

Yupp there was a line 2 days before they released the jordans..

Bianca entertained us with her hola-hoop.

such a cutie =)

- Jas

- Jetsetter? nah more like im on my way the Philippines! -

Hey young world!....yupp, im reporting live from Hong Kong international airport, waiting for the last leg of the travel to take me to the Philippines. free wireless connection ftw!

so left from Oslo 12:30..funny thing, i overslept & i woke up 15 min before my sister and I had to leave for the airport. i got mad stressed, took a 5 min shower & did the express cleaning of my room. left the house & i was just siked to leave the cold & depressing weather.

the flight to London was okay, slept most of the way...got to Heathrow & had to kill off 5 hours. happy that those 5 hours passed by quite fast..good company, some drinks & good food ftw!

Boarded, for Hong Kong around 6pm GMT time. and the flight was about 10 hours..good movies, good food, & hella good music too =D Mr. Phil Collins & Stevie Wonder ftw!

now im really feeling for some food, i saw some popeyes, ramen and Ben & Jerrys here at the airport..=P

now to some pix..

pizza for breakfast? yes please! =D

Randomly met Alex at the airport...cool catching up b!

Ate be all into her new games on her iphone...

good company ftw!

funny people!

Tita Vergie be checking up on her emails & on her Facebook..yupp thats my sister mac ;)

thats about it folks...ast leg of the trip..im off to get me something to eat!

i will try to update while im on vacay.

God is love

- Jas

Press play: Gitarkameratene - With Or Without You (cover)

How do you define happiness? no emo =P

anywaaaay, my brother is home for the weekend, so were going out to celebrate my moms bday (which was on monday) were out to eat at steakers, never been there before. but if u have a restaurant called steakers, your steak better be good! =P

God is definitely Love

- Jas

- Remove a wisdom tooth day?! -

Press play. Blakroc - Aint Nothin Like You. this song is on repeat right now!

When i got up this morning, i was fully aware of my dentist appointment. had the appointment at 10:30, just before i had to head for work. Okay, so i sat there..thinking to myself "this is just a normal check up, they´ll remove one of my wisdom teeth next time.." to my fully surprise, the dentist goes "alright.looks like were all set, lets remove one at your lower jaw" I was like "haha, dont think so. i gots work in 30 min =P"

before i could even say can we do this next time she set the anesthetic
and the "operation" was on...i was all nervous. making my hand into a wrist.my voice got all raspy for some reason..the session was done after 30 minutes or so..and i ended up having a sore mouth. i couldnt feel the right side of my mouth,nor my tounge for like 4 hours. yeah i looked messed up, and to ur disappointment theres no pic =P hahaha.

anyway my brother came home today. it was great to have him home. missed having him around. its just good to spend time with the family. tomorrow were having dinner out. fist time in ages! i hope my tooth wont hurt all that much, so i can enjoy good food =P

P.s. im leaving u with some horrible pix of how not to wear your pants..

No i dont know who Bella is..okay u can get away when ur 13-16 wearing ur pants like this. but there was a guy who was freaking 18 and wearing his pants like this!
but then again, im not one to judge..i had my fair share of following the trend..i just hope this trend never comes to norway..for now its just in sweden, and norwegian kids are only wearing two rubber bands...for now.

God is Love..

- Jas

- Injections? -

So from today its only freaking 6 days til i leave for the Philippines, and since im leaving i needed to get some injections just for the safety of my health..dont wanna get sick while im on vacay..u dig? =P

anyway..went with my sister..swear! that doctor was about alot of stuff that i didnt even understand..and he was talking in a lightning speed! anyway ended up getting two injections in the same arm, and believe me im so sore right now..it kinda sucks..but blah its all good..after getting the injections, my sister treated me to lunch, pizza slices & soda for 45 kr? baws! thanks for the hook up ate =)

after i met up with that little Chinese girl; Joanna for a quick snack. got to catch up a bit before we both headed off for work...

worked for some hours, met up with MG so i didnt need to take the bus by myself =P shes cool enough to wait some 10-15 minutes til i got off work, thanks =)

hahaha i filled out this form by myself..i failed, cause i didnt fill it out with capital letters..hahah i shouldve had let ate done it =P

were getting all this information, but were not really paying attention =P


Ms i pretend how to speak chinese =P

okaaay..so two days ago..there were some girls that came by the shop just before we were closing..i asked them if they needed any help..they said nah..i said my usual line "tell me if you guys need any help" line....they didnt say much, but they just smiled..they left the store when we closed..but to my surprise i met them at the mall across the street, when i was going to deliver the money bag to the bank..all of a sudden they just come behind me...

and i turn around and ask "is there anything?"..one of the girls reply "are u?" i just answered "am i???" then one of them just says "are u himynameisjas.blogspot.com????" i burst out in laughter & smile..not that i laughed at them..its just that its been awhile since someone actually asked me that...i said yes of course...firs thing they asked was "how come u havent blogged lately?" i just smiled and said it was due to laziness.which is true though...i asked what the liked bout my blog..how they found it...is it something they would like me to change? they all agreed when they answered "we love the quotes, we like that u take pix of your outfits...cool that some guys dares to post thumbnails like that"

with that i just want to say thank youuuu! again i am happy that people read my blog...hahaha first encounter in awhile with real readers =P

God is love

- Jas

- Did someone say late updates?

I suck at updating...so warning to the people who visit my blog..this will be a long entry =P

FIRST! the YOUth Got Talent 09..the annual talent show the YFL Norway hosts for the youth of Oslo. this show is for the youth to showcase their talents, and to bridge the gap between them. that whatever race, culture, faith theres something that an draw them together..and thats the passion for what they do. whether its music or dance =) this year it was just amazing! it was alot of stress and nervousness from my side. but when the show started..i knew every little thing would be alright =)

i get inspired by people who love what they do. i saw alot of young people dancing, playing some instruments & singing..and it struck me how much they just dont inspire eachother..but the people whose watching as well...that whatever theyre doing on stage..anyone can do it..as long as u set ur mind to it =D

this years winner was MJ Crew for the dance part & ano?nymous for the music part of the competition.

Heres Ano?nymous playing - Here we go again & Nobody

Mj Crew, dance performance =D

The day after we had our annual xmas dinner with our "fam-bam" (Geronimos & the Bulacan). yeah i know its early, but since the geronimo kids, Tito emil & my ninang & of course my fam. are leaving for the motherland we had to have our xmas dinner early this year. just to make sure we do follow tradition =)

the food was lovely! had some "pinnekjøtt" for my brother..since he wasnt there and that dish is something he looks forward to every xmas..=P all u can eat main courses & desserts! what do u know about that?

food knocked out so much that i even fell asleep...also due to the long we had the day before. but the food was sure baws!

now to some pix

gotta have that pinnkjøtt!! yeah u know u missed out kuya =P

Told u that we ended up catching some z´s after eating =P

my dads a beast on that air hockey on the iphone =P

all u can eat dessert!

thanks for hosting u forever debutant =)

great weekend!

God is love..

- Jas

- laggin! -

im oh so sorry that i havent been updating lately..due to alot of laziness & exam & YGT is over i just wanted to do nothing really =P

im out to meet up with the sister to get some injections, since its only a week before we leave for the motherland! baws!

updates will come tonight =)

God is love

- Jas