- Remove a wisdom tooth day?! -

Press play. Blakroc - Aint Nothin Like You. this song is on repeat right now!

When i got up this morning, i was fully aware of my dentist appointment. had the appointment at 10:30, just before i had to head for work. Okay, so i sat there..thinking to myself "this is just a normal check up, they´ll remove one of my wisdom teeth next time.." to my fully surprise, the dentist goes "alright.looks like were all set, lets remove one at your lower jaw" I was like "haha, dont think so. i gots work in 30 min =P"

before i could even say can we do this next time she set the anesthetic
and the "operation" was on...i was all nervous. making my hand into a wrist.my voice got all raspy for some reason..the session was done after 30 minutes or so..and i ended up having a sore mouth. i couldnt feel the right side of my mouth,nor my tounge for like 4 hours. yeah i looked messed up, and to ur disappointment theres no pic =P hahaha.

anyway my brother came home today. it was great to have him home. missed having him around. its just good to spend time with the family. tomorrow were having dinner out. fist time in ages! i hope my tooth wont hurt all that much, so i can enjoy good food =P

P.s. im leaving u with some horrible pix of how not to wear your pants..

No i dont know who Bella is..okay u can get away when ur 13-16 wearing ur pants like this. but there was a guy who was freaking 18 and wearing his pants like this!
but then again, im not one to judge..i had my fair share of following the trend..i just hope this trend never comes to norway..for now its just in sweden, and norwegian kids are only wearing two rubber bands...for now.

God is Love..

- Jas


Hoang Vu said...

bildene gjorde meg uvel.......... wow.

RalphDarwin said...

ouff, keegt og digg=) jeg går sånn over armene på genseren og jakka også.