- First Of The Week -

Ive never been a big fan of mondays, why? Simple, its the start of the week, everything is so slow on a monday. You can tell that the vibe isnt really like "lets star the week with a bang..!" At least for my part it never is.

Anyway..my monday this week was more or less okay. I had Elverum withdrawls, meaning i was still in Elverum mode =P I got to work, a somewhat slow monday..but yeah it was cool though, the only downer was this guy who stepped on my kicks..dah well. no hate though.

Tuesday; I got up quite late..didnt do much really..i watched Joseph; King Of Dreams. This movie really reminded me of the summer i had with congress season. Since this movie was one of the skits we did for the KFL european congress. around 5pm i got myself next door to Darwins. They were having their music min practice for the Covenant Recollection were doing on sunday. You guys are great..keep going..!

Mats be fixin the music..

Weirdo..too full of myself..


Lance & Julian..

de Jesus...!

Our very own Travis Barker; Cedric

So long summer, hello Autumn.

Wishing you all a blessed week =)

- Jas

- More Phoenix -

Phoenix - 1901 - A Take Away Show from La Blogotheque on Vimeo.

how can you not like Phoenix? enjoooy!

- Jas


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- Jas

- Debut Much? -

Last weekend i attended my kinakaptids debut. It was such a pleasure being there. the vibe was really really good & cozy. Her theme for the debut was the Filipino culture & how its traditionally celebrated back home in the Philippines.

Good people, good food, & most of all a happy as always Debutant =D

I totally forgot to charge the battery for camera, so i didnt end up taking too many pictures.

here are the ones i at least managed to snap.

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Yasmin & Sha =D tapas soon?

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Mark & my sister...

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Harana..serenading the debutant.

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Paopao & Julianne

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Kassandra & her nephew kevin..cute

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Christy with her awesome voice..

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Cuuuuute =D

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Even more cute..!

btw if ever u have twitter..follow me here

God is joy

- Jas

- Recap -

These pix are long overdue, but I apologize my tardiness. I must say im really blessed these days. I am constantly reminded how blessed i am thru people i really admire & look up to. I thank you guys for always inspiring me =)

The pix in this post are from;
- CLS --> yes i crossed over to SFL
- Hanging out with the Brorshkiz --> Harold cutting my hair =P

Thank you Broshkiz for hanging out. you guys are mad fun & its always cool to talk with u guys. & hurray for 15 kr for kebab! =P

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yeup, listening to Titos giving sessions.

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Christian be on that longboard tip.

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Ate be on that tip too.

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Ate be all cute..

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Kuya ron & Mr Chen.

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Chucks much?

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Vans much?

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Reason im here yo´..!

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Kebab for 15kr?! hahah get it!

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Jonathaaaaan =D

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Harold the hairdresser..!

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Getting my hair cut..

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done son..thanks Harold =)

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Brorshkiz love..paopao be too dark =P

Sacrifice for the Man upstairs be all love..!

- Jas

- Phoenix Much? -

Phoenix - Lizstomania / One time too many - A Take Away Show from La Blogotheque on Vimeo.

One of my favorite bands ever. Love this version of this song. Paris ftw..!

- Jas

- No Caption -

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God is love

- Jas

- Oh Vienna pt. 2 -

First off, i just have to apologize for laggin on this post. I never got around to edit the pix, I´ve been swamped at work lately. which is okay, keeps me quite busy these days.

Okay, so these are the last pix from my stay in vienna..Looking thru the pix, i realized that i shouldve taken more pix, but since i managed to forget the charger for the 400d in stockholm, i was quite careful with using my cam. its okay, i guess i´ll be back in Vienna one day.

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My antipasti calzone formed as a fish, these Austrians are oh so creative =P

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Lunch with the schwester Venice =)

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This is not a rare sight..Anne, always on her phone =P

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Venice with her own bike?

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Krystle, reppin that ZH.

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Them Pajarillagas =)

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Lucille & Anne..

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Whats good Lee? Enjoy ur last weeks in Vienna..

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Karingan & Roland..

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Andrew & Jason, tired? I guess u are, since we walked around forever to find a spot to eat..=P

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Vienna is lovely yes.

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Breather from the walk.

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RJ too busy watching the game that Austria lost..=P

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Thank you for having my last dinner with me =) Great company ftw!

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Slow sync ftw

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Totsilog breakfast at the sarmientos =D

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With my sister from vienna =) Charlotteee

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Heavy breakfast ftw..!

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I posted a pic of this last year, but yeah, kuyas note is still at the Sarmientos. great to see =)

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Ginooooo..! thanks for everything bro..!

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With mr. Blanco himself, dude has so much talent, so im a big fan of his. check out his youtube channel here.

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Great catching up & hanging out Lee..! =D

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Hair in the way much anne? =P

Vienna, i´ll see you when i see u...Thank you for a lovely stay =D

God is love..!

- Jas