- Debut Much? -

Last weekend i attended my kinakaptids debut. It was such a pleasure being there. the vibe was really really good & cozy. Her theme for the debut was the Filipino culture & how its traditionally celebrated back home in the Philippines.

Good people, good food, & most of all a happy as always Debutant =D

I totally forgot to charge the battery for camera, so i didnt end up taking too many pictures.

here are the ones i at least managed to snap.

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Yasmin & Sha =D tapas soon?

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Mark & my sister...

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Harana..serenading the debutant.

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Paopao & Julianne

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Kassandra & her nephew kevin..cute

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Christy with her awesome voice..

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Cuuuuute =D

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Even more cute..!

btw if ever u have twitter..follow me here

God is joy

- Jas

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